Kašauskas Stasys
Stasys Kašauskas – prose writer, essayist.
He was born 10 August, 1943 in Birikai village, Telšiai district.
In 1962-1964 he studied at Vilnius University and from 1964 till 1967 he did military service at USSR army. He worked at editorial offices of daily newspapers “Komjaunimo tiesa” and “Tiesa” in 1968-1971, from 1971 till 1975 at “Gimtasis kraštas” and during the years of 1975-1980 at “Literatūra ir menas”. In 1981 he finished his studies of journalism at Vilnius University. From 1980 till 1989 he was a deputy of editor in chief of magazine “Moksleivis”. In 1989-1990 he was a politician. From 1990 till 1992 he was a politician at the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania. In 1992-1993 he worked as an editor of weekly “Atgimimas” and in 1992-2000 he was a publisher and editor in chief of the magazine “Lithuania in the World”. In 2001-2004 he was a director of a publishing-house “Artlora”. Since 1998 he has been working as an Honorary Consul-general of Lithuania in the Dominican Republic. He was among those who signed the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 1985.
B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Žemė nelieka skolinga: sketch about milkmaid S. Kuodienė in Kulva. – Vilnius, 1974.
Žmonės didelėje žemėje: reports about BAM. – Vilnius: Mintis, 1977.
Gyvenimo vagos: sketch about L. Gira collective farm in Rokiškis district. – Vilnius, 1980.
Negrįžtantis bumerangas: sketch of a journey. – Vilnius: Mintis, 1980.
Gyvenimo paveikslai: journalistic short stories. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1982.
Mes, Adomo vaikai: ironical prose. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1984.
Nekasdieniai pasimatymai: artistic sketches. – Vilnius, 1985.
Meilė ir kiti žaidimai: ironical prose. – Vilnius: Vyturys, 1987.
Einu namo: artistic journalism. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1988.
Tiesos sakymas: artistic journalism. – Vilnius: Mintis, 1988.
Leisk, Viešpatie, numirti (in Braille). – Vilnius: Versmė, 1991.
Gyvenimo paveikslai: collection of articles. – Vilnius: Standartų spaustuvė, 2003.
D r e w u p :
1990 kovo 11 Lietuvos valstybingumo raidoje (together with B. Valionyte). – Vilnius: Artlora, 2005, 2006, 2010.
11 марта 1990 в истории государственности Литвы (together with B. Valionyte). – Вильнюс: Artlora, 2006.
11 March 1990 in the evolution of epy statehood of Lithuania (together with B. Valionyte). – Vilnius: Artlora, 2007, 2010.
A w a r d s :
1989 Vincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas award.
2000 Lithuania Independence Medal.
2010 Commemorative Medal of 20 Years of Lithuanian Independence Anniversary.