Gudonytė Kristina
Kristina Gudonytė – prose writer, playwright.
She was born 15 December, 1949.
In 1967 she finished 23rd Secondary school in Vilnius. In 1967-1969 she studied philology at Vilnius University. In 1973 she finished her studies as an actress at Vilnius Conservatoire and worked at National Theatre during the years of 1973-1983. From 1983 till 1989 she was a director and head of art at Moksleivių rūmai. From 1997 till 1998 she was a producer at National Radio and Television (LRT). In 2000 she was a deputy of editor in chief at magazine “Psichologija Tau”.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 2010.
B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Gėlių dvaras: novel for children, who know a thing or two about life. – Vilnius: Lietus, 2002, 2011.
Gėlių dvaras: novel for children, who know a thing or two about life (in Braille). – Vilnius: Brailio spauda, 2002.
Blogos mergaitės dienoraštis: novel. – Kaunas: Laisvos valandos, 2009.
Su meile Arina. – Kaunas: Laisvos valandos, 2010.
Ida iš šešėlių sodo: novel for teenagers about love and eternity. – Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2012.
Ida iš šešėlių sodo: novel for teenagers about love and eternity (in Braille). – Vilnius: Lietuvos aklųjų biblioteka, 2013.
Дневник плохой девчонки = Blogos mergaitės dienoraštis: для ст. шк. возраста (перевод с литовского А. Васильковой). – Москва: Самокат, 2013, 2014.
Jie grįžta per pilnatį: novel. – Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2015.
A w a r d s :
1973 Award for the main role in play “Vėjo botagėlis”.
1976 Award for the main role in play “Devyniabrolė”.
1995 Literary award for dramaturgy in play “Alisa veidrodžio karalystėje” by Writers’ Union.
2009 The novel “Blogos mergaitės dienoraštis” was selected as the best book for teenagers in the Book of the Year Campaign.
2012 The novel “Ida iš šešėlių sodo” was selected as the best book for teenagers in the Book of the Year Campaign.
2013 Award of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania and VLKK for perfect language in the book “Ida iš šešėlių sodo”.
2015 Award of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania for talented writing for children and teenagers.