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Gudaitis Romas

Romas Gudaitis (real name: Vincas Ramutis Gudaitis) – prose writer.
He was born 8 December, 1941 in Pilkava, Marijampolė district.
In 1965 she finished her studies of Lithuanian language and literature at Vilnius University and acquired a specialty of a teacher. In 1965 he worked at Rudnia Secondary school in Varėna district. In 1966 he did his military service in Soviet army. In 1967 he worked as a principal at Naniškiai Secondary school in Varėna district. In 1968-1970 he was an editor of “Ekrano naujienos”. From 1970 till 1981 he worked at Lithuanian Film Studio. In 1981-1984 he was a member of LSSR Ministry of Culture. In 1984-1989 he was a consultant of literature at Lithuanian Writers’ Union. From 1988 till 1990 he was a member of Parliament council and from 1989 till 1990 a member of USSR High council. In 1990-1992 he became a member of Highest Council of Lithuanian Republic and a member of Presidium. From 1992 till 1997 he was a senior reviewer of culture and education group of the President of the Republic of Lithuania. In 2001-2009 he was an inspector of ethics of Lithuanian journalists. He is a signatory of the March 11 Declaration.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 1982.

B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Sėjėjai: novel. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1981.
Lemties broliai: short story. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1983.
Kartos: romanas. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1985.
Metaforų medžiotojai: novel. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1987.
Chamskio eros rytas: novel. – Vilnius: Vilspa, 1996.
Mes – iš peršautų dainų krašto: collection of essays. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2000.
Invazija į Prahą ir širdis: jauni, kvaili, gražūs: novel. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2011.
Piemuo norėjo Hamletu būti: essays. – Vilnius: Santara, 2013.

P l a y s   a n d   s c r i p t s :
Laimingas laimės neradęs: script. – Director: A. Araminas, 1973.
Žaltvysklės: script. – Directpr: G. Lukšas, 1980.
Atversk, angele, laiko knygą: play, script, 1985.

A w a r d s :
2000 Lithuania Independence Medal.
2000 Award of Ministry of Culture for the most outstanding publications on culture topics.
2002 Literary award of “Varpai“ for the extract of the novel “Nuvarytas kuinas ir jo Spindulėlis”.