Gažimon Ivan
Ivan Gažimon – poet, prose writer.
He was born 14 February, 1931 in Shishkin, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraina
He left his parents’ house early in life and had to work different jobs from a heaver to an assistant of engine-driver to earn for living during post-war years. In Dnepropetrovsk he finished the evening courses of the Labour Youth Secondary school. In 1952-1955 he did his military service in Odessa and while there, he attended sessions of the literature association, organized by editorial office of newspaper “Zaščitnik Rodiny”. After demobilization he came to Lithuania. From 1978 till 1991 he worked as editors assistant at newspaper “Draugystė”. He was also a member of G. Kanovičius Literature Association. Since 1981 he was a member of the USSR Journalists’ Union and was working with different periodicals in Russian language, where he published a lot of articles, reports, poems nad short stories. His first publication appeared in 1946. Now he is a headman for the Lithuanian Russian Writers’ Association.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 2002.
B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Tichoe cvetenije: poems. – Vilnius: Vaga, 1982.
Bielyje koni v sadu: novellas. – Vilnius: Vyturys, 1987.
Nadiežda umiraet paslednej: novellas. – Vilnius: Rimeda, 1991.
Старик и Лада: novella. – Вильнюс: Burdenkovo komercinė firma, 1999.
Дела житейские: short stories, poems, humorous sketches. – Вильнюс: Burdenkovo komercinė firma, 2000.
Катавасия: (poems for children). – Вильнюс: Ротас, 2003.
Пленник ретро: poems. – Вильнюс: И. Гажимон, 2006.
Сквозь жизнь и любовь: poems. – Вильнюс: Инфосюлас, 2009.
Неугасимое былое: poems and short stories. – Вильнюс: Планета ВВКУРЭ, 2014.