Dirgėla Dainius
Dainius Dirgėla – poet.
He was born 20 December, 1969 in Vilnius.
In 1993 he finished his studies of Lithuanian language and literature and also classical philology. He worked at editorial office of “Jaunimo gretos”, then as a bartender. Now he works at an advertisement agency. He is a member of a “Svetimi” group of poets. A member of World’s Haiku Association.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 2014.
B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Svetimi: anthology of poetry group “Svetimi” (together with V. Gedgaudas, E. Ignatavičius, A. Šlepikas, D. Valančiauskas). – Vilnius: „Vakarinių naujienų“ leidykla, 1994.
Pavojingi žaidimai: poems. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 1995.
Stebėtojo užrašai: e-book. – https://naujasvardas.wordpress.com/knygos/dainius-dirgela-stebeto-jo-uzrasai-eilerasciai/, 2013.
Svetimi po 20: anthology of poetry group “Svetimi” (together with E. Ignatavičius, L. Leščinskas and others). – Vilnius: Homo liber, 2014.
A w a r d s :
2007 Nominated as an author of the best Haiku for Vilnius.
2013 Poetry book “Stebėtojo užrašai” was nominated as the Book of the Year in Poetry section.