Černiauskaitė Laura Sintija
Laura Sintija Černiauskaitė – prose writer, playwright.
She was born 8 December 1976, in Vilnius.
In 1994 she graduated from Vilnius Senvagė Secondary school. She studied a specialty of TV director at Lithuanian Music Academy, but she did not finish the studies. In 1996 she enrolled into Vilnius University Department of Extramural Studies to study the Lithuanian language and literature. In 1998-1999 she worked as a freelance publicist at magazine “Malonumas”, in 2000 – as a language editor at children magazine “Genys” and in 2001-2002 as a journalist at magazine for mothers “Tavo vaikas”. Her first book of short stories “Trys paros prie mylimosios slenksčio” was written while she was still at school. In year 2000 she debuted as a playwright. In 2002 she participated in international theater festival “Bonner Biennale” at the workshop of young playwrights. Her work has been translated into Slovenian, Bulgarian, Italian, English, Russian and other languages as well as included into various anthologies and collections.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 2004.
B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Trys paros prie mylimosios slenksčio: short stories. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 1994.
Liučė čiuožia: prose, plays. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2003.
Artumo jausmas: novellas, short stories, plays. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2005.
Kvėpavimas į marmurą: novel. – Vilnius: Alma littera, 2006, 2009, 2010.
Benedikto slenksčiai: novel. – Vilnius: Alma littera, 2008, 2009, 2013.
Kambarys jazmino krūme: short story and novella. – Vilnius: Alma littera, 2009.
Kambarys jazmino krūme: short story and novella (in Braille). – Vilnius: Lietuvos aklųjų biblioteka, 2010.
Medaus mėnuo: novel. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2011.
Žiema, kai gimė Pašiauštaplunksnis: novella. – Vilnius: Tyto alba, 2014.
Žiema, kai gimė Pašiauštaplunksnis: novella (in Braille). – Vilnius: Lietuvos aklųjų biblioteka, 2015.
Hepi fjūčer: 18 short stories (together with R. Šerelytė). – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2015.
P l a y s :
Kumeliukas. – Staged at Elfų teatras, 2001.
Liučė čiuožia. – Staged at Valstybinis jaunimo teatras, 2003; Kazancevo ir Roščino jaunosios dramaturgijos centras, directed by V. Skvorcovas, 2004.
A w a r d s :
1994 Book “Trys paros prie mylimosios slenksčio” won a diploma of 1st degree in Young Philologist Contest for the best prose and a Lithuanian Writers’ Union First Book Competition.
2001 Play “Kumeliukas” won competitions of Vilnius University Department of Philology and “Elfų teatras” theater.
2003 Book “Liučė čiuožia” was included into the list of twelve most creative books of the year.
2004 Play “Liučė čiuožia” won 1st place at a theater festival “Theatertreffen” in Berlin.
2005 Book “Artumo jausmas” was included into the list of twelve most creative books of the year and nominated in the Book of the Year Campaign in adult prose section.
2006 Book “Kvėpavimas į marmurą” was included into the list of twelve most creative books of the year.
2009 Award of Kazimieras Barėnas for the book “Benedikto slenksčiai”.
2009 EU literary award for the book “Kvėpavimas į marmurą”.
2009 Book “Kambarys jazmino krūme” was included into the list of twelve most creative books of the year.
2011 Award of Jurga Ivanauskaitė for the book “Medaus mėnuo”.
2012 Award of Antanas Vaičiulaitis for short story “Nekaltutis”, published in magazine “Metai”.