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Čepauskaitė Daiva

Photo by Benediktas Januševičius

Photo by Benediktas Januševičius

Daiva Čepauskaitė – poetess, playwright, actress.
She was born 24 April, 1967 in Marijampolė.
In 1985 she finished Marijampolė Secondary school and in 1991 she graduated from Kaunas Medical Institute. From 1990 she worked as an actress at Kaunas Chamber Theater. In 2008 she started working as the head of literature part at Kaunas Chamber Theater. Her debut in press was in 1990. Her poetry has been included into various almanacks and collections as well as translated into English, Russian, Finnish, Swedish and other languages.
A member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union since 1998.

B i b l i o g r a p h y :
Bevardžiai: collection of poems. – Kaunas: Keturi vėjai, 1992.
Suvalgiau vieną spanguolę: poems. – Kaunas: Nemunas, 1998.
Nereikia tikriausiai būtina: poems. – Vilnius: Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2004.
Rinktiniai eilėraščiai. Poezijos pavasario laureatų bibliotekėlė. – Kaunas: Naujasis lankas, 2010.

P l a y s   f o r   g r o w n u p s :
Pupos. – 2002.
Perkūno istorija. – 2002.
Šūvis krantinėje. – 2002.
Atviras lūžis. – 2003.
Duobė. – Director: S. Rubinovas, play “Diena ir naktis”, 2011.

P l a y s   f o r   c h i l d r e n :
Lakštingala: based on H. K. Andersen. – 1998.
Bulvinė pasaka. – 2001.
Kai krenta žvaigždė. – 2001.
Nauji karaliaus drabužiai: based on H. K. Andersen. – 2003.
Lapė ir višta. – 2003.
Gražuolė ir pabaisa. – 2004.
Kiauliaganys: based on H. K. Andersen. – 2005.
Ąžuolo vaikas: based on V. Petkevičius book “Gilės nuotykiai Ydų šalyje”. – 2015.

A w a r d s :
1995 “Nemunas” award for the best poetry publication.
1996 “Fortūna” award for the role of Ledi O. in a play “Peepshow” (G. Tabori), director: S. Rubinovas.
1999 “Fortūna” award for main role of Lavinija Menon in a play “Gedulas tinka Elektrai” (E. O’Neill), director: G. Varnas.
2001 3rd award in ALF plays for children competition for the play “Bulvinė pasaka”.
2002 1st award in Lithuanian Radio play competition for the play “Pupos”.
2003 2nd award in Lithuanian Radio play competition for the play “Atviras lūžis”.
2004 Most memorable artist of Kaunas.
2004 LATGAA award for plays.
2005 The Poetry Spring festival laureate for poetry book “Nereikia tikriausiai būtina”.
2006 Golden Cross of the Stage for play “Pupos”.
2012 The Person of Tolerance Award, administered by Sugihara House and the Sugihara Foundation.
2014 LATGA Golden Star.